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Genre: Fantasy, Adventure, Romance


The Realm of Light and Dark were responsible for maintaining the balance of the world.  Until one day, the Dark Realm decided it had enough of being Light's shadow and casted chaos and havoc to the magical realm.  With the 6 kingdoms now at war with the army of Dark Creatures, the Light Realm released 6 gems, each with the power of the elements (Fire, Earth, Water, Wind, Ice, Animalia).  Those who were able to wield one of those gems were granted control over their respective elements and were given the title of "Elemental Guardian" - warriors of light that would carry the responsibility of maintaining peace and balance against the Dark Realm.  


Caly Ems has no recollection about her past,  Living an ordinary life on Earth with her big brother, Toddy was all that she knew but the nightmares that come to her every night made her question if there was a missing piece in her memory.  It was then revealed that she was meant to be the leader of the new generation of Elemental Guardians, blessed with the element of fire.  With everything still very difficult to believe, Caly must venture into the world of war and magic in order to recover her past and save the universe from the Dark Realms.  Will she become the leader the guardians need? Or will the Dark Realm take over and lead the world into eternal chaos?  

CALY (Guardian of Fire)

Caly Ems, our main character.  The most responsible among the siblings, despite being the youngest.  This led to Caly developing a more realistic and straightforward view on life.  She neve believed in the world of magic or fairytales so when she finally discovers her true origins and family, she finds things very difficult to understand and becomes very insecure about herself.  Given the right time and support system did she finally come to terms with herself.  

I wanted to make Caly a relatable character, someone who struggles with her identity and is full of self doubt but is able to overcome those struggles and become the strong and powerful warrior she was destined to be.  

Her design is inspired by the Phoenix, an legendary mythical birth which symbolizes rebirth.  Connecting to Caly's "rebirth" in coming back to her origins and in becoming a Guardian.  

TODDY (Guardian of Ice)

When war struck the Kingdom of Powleton, the royal family sent their two children to Earth.  While Caly lost her memories, Toddy remembers everything.  He resents his family for leaving him and Caly on Earth alone and how they never bothered to search for them years after.  Since then he decided to let Caly live an ordinary life on Earth even if it meant keeping away any mentions of the past... Forever.  

His suppresses his guilt by playing games, becoming addicted to them as he grew older.  Hiding his sorrows behind in a joyful and carefree smile.  

KLEIN (Guardian of Earth)

Klein Mikez, Toddy and Caly's childhood friend.  He watched his friends leave to Earth, growing up thinking that both have met their end as he never saw or heard of them again.  He serves as a knight in training for the royal family and has been gifted with the Elemental Gem of Earth.  However he has always been a late bloomer, he was slow in gaining control of his elemental powers and his limited physical capabilities.  On the other hand, he was intelligent and loved studying, using his mind to figure out the best solutions to his problems.  

Since the return of his friends, he dedicates his life into keeping them safe.  Especially Caly who he started to develop romantic feelings for.  He does not want to lose his friends again.  

JAMIE (Guardian of Water)

Jamie Mikez was able to control his elemental powers at a young age, setting high expectations for his family and peers.  Due to his newfound strength, he ends up becoming arrogant and stubborn.  He casts aside those who he thinks are weaker than him, that includes his own brother, Klein.  Causing a rift between the two.  

His inflated ego has caused the gem inside him to inflict harm as he has shown signs of straying from the path of light.  His reckless, frivolous lifestyle and the goal of taking over the kingdom makes his methods questionable.  However, he is also an excellent battle tactician and marksman and will fulfill his duty flawlessly.  

AISHA (Guardian of Wind)

Aisha Jean Victoria Marie was the princess of the 5th kingdom.  She used to question why she had to follow strict rules and be kept within palace grounds and would often sneak out to experience the life outside.  That was until the dark clan grew stronger and the soldiers of the 5th kingdom were decreasing in numbers.  

She escaped from the castle with her Mother.  Unfortunately they were stopped by a Knight levelled Dark Creature.  Aisha's Mother blocked the attack, resulting in her death.  By the time her Father arrived at the scene, things were too late and all he could do was hold off the creature until his daughter was in safe hands.  

She fled to the Kingdom of Powleton where she was taken care of by the royal family and trained to become a powerful warrior.  But her reckless days are over, fearing that one wrong step away from her duties may lead to the death of other people close to her.  

ANITA (Guardian of Animalia)

The 6th Kingdom preferred to call themselves a tribe.  Anita, the daughter of the tribe leader used to live an easy going life with loving parents.  However the tribe refused to turn to outside help and lacked the development needed to protect itself from the war.  Eventually, the tribe crumbled and the 6th Kingdom is now a barren wasteland infested by dark creatures,  

Anita was the sole survivor, having successfully escaped to the border of the 5th kingdom.  She grew up there along with Aisha until things started to play out the same way and they both had to escape to the Kingdom of Powleton.  She is the only guardian who lost her family completely and she is sometimes jealous of the others but she tries her best to push through and become a bundle of joy to those around her.  

She is interested in fashion and finding jewelry for her collection.   

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