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Genre: sci-fi, fantasy, adventure


The Green Belt is a technologically advanced floating city within VERSE's magical realm.  Despite that, the citizens of the Green Belt do not have any magical abilities.  However, there are people who are hungry for power and have found a way to harvest dark magic and turn them into harmful goods called Obsium,  The byproduct contaminated the waters and environment of the city, which caused some unfortunate folk to develop an infectious disease called Obsteriumitis where a grey patch forms on their body and slowly spreads over time, causing their bodily functions to fail eventually.  In order to combat the rise of pro-obsium terrorist groups, the Green Belt Corporation created a team dedicated to hunting them down and to aid the magical realm in slowing the spread of dark magic.  This team was called the Green Belt Secret Service.  



Green focuses on the story of Max Tennor, the leader of the new generation of the Green Belt Secret Service and his fellow co-workers.  While they all walk towards the goal of saving the city from the rise of Obsium and a terrorist organization called the Catalysts, each character must learn to confront their complicated histories and set their differences aside in order to work as a team.




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The eccentric yet genius leader of the GBSS.  Max Tennor contracted the obsteriumitis disease at a young age, with the marks prevalent around his eyes.  As his biological family did not have the funds to provide him with proper care, he was given away to an orphanage.  Feeling ostracized and abandoned, Max attempted to hack into Green Belt Co where he was eventually noticed by the founder of the company who decided to take him in as his own son seeing that he has the potential and intelligence to use his knowledge for better things.  

He eventually has a brighter outlook on life, adopting a free spirited and out-of -the-box mindset that may catch people off guard and question his sanity.  Despite his usual underhanded and extreme ideas, his plans would always serve a purpose and he will make sure it succeeds.  


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Head of the logistics division, Blake Rowley.  He is known for being able to lift things twice his weight, granting him the physically strongest member in the GBSS.  Though his strength and appearance may intimidate others, Blake is a kind and attentive individual.  

Behind the charm and the muscle was a boy who was betrayed by his family.  He grew up in a wealthy household, unaware of all the problems that were happening outside his home.  Until one day his family went bankrupt and caused his parents to get into explosive arguments.  In order to make ends meet, his parents decided to participate in the obsium drug making business.  Being the naive and innocent child, Blake offered to help them, believing that he was selling candy to his neighbors.  It was not long until he got arrested and was sent into juvenile prison while his family had to serve prison and face the death penalty.  Now aware of the current state of the world, Blake realizes that he had been contributing to the problem the entire time.  Fueled with guilt, he decides to repent by fixing the wrongs his family made and protect the innocent from falling into the same life that he had.  


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The older twin of the Harlow siblings, Agatha is known for her combat skills and blunt humor.  She is Ian's sole caretaker after they ran away from an accident that caused the death of their drug addicted, abusive father.  The twins were later raised by a back alley wrestling gang, where Agatha being the most capable of the two was forced into fighting in gambling matches.  While she became a deadly fighter, it made her confused and lost about what it means to be loved and cared for.  

Eventually the twins were saved by a former member of the GBSS, raising them within the Green Belt Co's compounds.  Since then, Agatha wishes to be able to develop close and wholesome bonds with others.  If only they could look past her sense of dark and sarcastic humor.  


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Ian Harlow, the youngest twin of the Harlow siblings.  He was left traumatized after an incident that caused him to accidentally murder his drug addicted, abusive father in an act of self defense.  Since then, he had become weak and lost the strength to speak.  While his sister, Agatha raised money for them by being part of the wrestling den, Ian spends his time indoors, curled up in front of a screen and tinkering with technology.  

After being taken in by the former members of the GBSS, Ian decided to use his skills to support his sister.  He works as a creative engineer in the security branch and designed drones that can be used for surveillance and combat.  Allowing him to join battles with his team remotely and away from harm.  Since becoming a member of the GBSS, he tries to become more outgoing and brave.  



Cypher is the eldest among the leaders and has been part of the company the longest.  He enjoys being in peaceful and efficient working environments so that he can get both of his responsibilities as a security supervisor and tech designer done perfectly but being put into a team of less-experienced members and under an eccentric leader tests his patience greatly.  He is the only one who openly expresses dislike towards Max’s ideas calling them unrealistic and inefficient.  In fact, he never holds back on giving someone an honest critique even if it may hurt them.  Sadly, in the eyes of his team mates, he becomes an easy target for their jokes.  

His real dream is to become a journalist.  Having grown up in a strict family and receiving pressure from his two older brothers working in the medical field, Cypher decides to take the competitive route to work in Green Belt Co.  Earning it was easy, keeping it was another challenge.  While he continues to maintain his job, he uses his journalism skills to spread gossip in the company with the intention of pulling those exposed down and pushing himself higher in the ranks.  

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